Quality Assurance
"In-process" control and regular sample checks guarantee the constant high quality of JGD products. Part of the system entails detailed production instructions in form of flow charts for each individual product. Each products is tested at least two times 100% for the main data sheet parameters, prior it leaves our factories.
Quality Policy
JGD will make continuous improvement on quality system and products in order to achieve customer’s requirement and expectation. JGD will become the reliable supplier of semiconductor discrete devices in the world.
Continuous improvement quality management system
Is the direction of the company in quality management.“Process” emphasizes the management method,“Product”emphasizes the management result.From the method and results are to be continuous improvement.
Achieve customer’s requirement and expectation
Is the purpose of continuous improvement in quality management, Stable to provide products to meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements is the core of the company quality management system.
JGD will become the reliable supplier of semiconductor discrete devices in the world.
Is the company in the pursuit of the overall goal of strategic development, All activities should be on the target company, Service for this goal.
Quality Objectives
a) Products on time delivery rate of 100%
b) Customer complaint (contain return) rate less than 0.5%, Timely rate at 100%
c) A delivery with customers qualified rate reached 100%
d) Product from the input material to the finished product, The yield of total reached the target, and improved year after year
e) All personnel training per capita not less than 24 time/year.
Quality Management Processes

Environmental Policy
Safety first, Abide by all rules, laws, and regulations of Environmental, Pollution prevention and harm, save Energy.
Social responsibility Policy
JGD in the production and business operation process and employment process, In order to better fulfill their social responsibilities and obligations, Give back to society, JGD will:
1. Comply with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China and the relevant local laws and regulations.
2. NOT condone Child labor practices, during the recruitment process, we thoroughly do a background check and screen out underage applicants. If any cases of underage workers are discovered, the company must investigate immediately and resolve the matter in an expedient manner.
3. Provisions to strictly carry out operation time, In the process of employee work can not have any kind and any form of compulsive behavior, When hiring employees engaged in post operation shall not have any way of mortgage
4. To ensure that employees work conditions, for jobs that may affect the physical health of special operation staff, Must ensure that the regular physical examination.
5. All employees equally, The company shall not interfere in the exercise of the rights of personnel to observe tenets or practices, or to meet needs relating to race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation.
6. The company shall not interfere with the exercise of the rights of personnel to observe tenets or practices and shall not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse.
7. The company shall not allow behavior, including gestures, verbal and physical contact, that is sexually coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.
The company shall ensure that the policies are understood and implemented at all levels of the organization and improve it continuously.
OHSAS Policy
JGD is a social accountability corporation. In order to keep our employees in a safe and healthy environment, JGD will:
1. Abide by all rules, laws, and regulations of OHSAS
2. Care about employees safety and health
3. Improve working environment continuously to prevent harm
4. Strengthen employees’ training on safety and health information.
Certificates QC Control
Material Data
Information about Material Contents of JGD Products
All of our products are compliant to RoHS/WEEE and REACH
As a Asian company with headquarters in China and worldwide customer base,we are fully aware about the environmental legislations such as RoHS/WEEE or the REACH directive. We do not only take care for environment-friendly materials, but also for environment-friendly production.
Since 01 January 2006 we deliver all of our goods compliant to EU directives RoHS/WEEE.
Our products do not contain substances included in the candidate list* (date 17/12/2015) according to article 59 (1,10) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (“REACH”) (see the website of the European Chemicals Agency (EChA) http://echa.europa.eu/) in a concentration above 0.1 % by weight.
Conflict Mineral Policy
JGD Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is working toward the elimination of conflict minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”) or adjoining countries from its supply chain. JGD’s ultimate goal is to have a supply chain that consists of material that is DRC Conflict Free.
In order to achieve this goal, JGD will:
1. Exercise due diligence as specified in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas (“OECD Framework”) and related 3T and gold supplements.
2. Support and participate in Electronic Industry collaborations such as Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative.
3. Commit to transparency by providing necessary reports and information to the customers.
JGD expects its first tier suppliers of 3TG (“In-scope Suppliers”) to:
1. Have conflict mineral policies in place to ensure material is sourced from socially responsible suppliers.
2. Exercise due diligence to determine the source of conflict minerals.
3. Not procure material from the DRC or adjoining countries that is not “DRC Conflict Free.”
4. Provide the necessary declarations in order to determine if the conflict minerals in the supply chain are DRC Conflict Free.
In-scope Suppliers who are not in compliance with these requirements will be reviewed in order for us to determine the extent to which JGD will continue to do business with those Suppliers. JGD will terminate business with any In-scope Supplier if we determine that the Supplier’s sourcing of 3TG are directly or indirectly financing armed groups in the DRC or adjoining countries.